Meet Sony!
This sweet girl came to us last spring in terrible condition. She hardly had any hair and she had very deep infections all over her body. It took us most of the summer just to treat the resistant bacterial infection she had. Once we got a handle on that, we needed to determine the cause of the infection. She has been seeing a board-certified dermatologist.
We did a deep dive into allergy tests and determined that she has significant environmental allergies. This means that she doesn’t have to have special food. It also means things outside of anyone’s control causes her skin to flare up. To fix that, she gets once-a-month injections of a medicine that is specifically made for her. You get them refilled at the dermatologist every 6 to 8 months and the injections break down to about $40-$50 per month.
Sony LOVES her doggie friends. She would love to play away the day and then spend her evenings cuddling up with her humans. She has always wanted as much attention as she can get.
She is crate-trained and house-trained. She is also currently enrolled in a Dog School of Minnesota training class. She spends the whole day on Mondays and Wednesdays. Her trainer works on leash work and impulse control. She has made AMAZING strides. She works best on a prong collar when she goes out in public or for walks. She is trained to the electronic collar as well but rarely needs it. At home, she doesn’t wear anything.
We know someone will be so happy to add this girl to their family. She has not been around cats but we can arrange cat testing if you are truly interested in her.
Adoption fee is $300